Aurélie Fontan
This collaboration was inspired by the different forms algae can take. I screen printed using my algae print pastes onto Aurelie’s algae leather in a design inspired by algae under the microscope. These were then cut into sequins forming a gradient across the dress. More of Aurelie’s work can be found at @aureliefontan.design on Instagram.

Bea Bruecker
Screen printed hemp, using algae and other natural ingredients. The design is based off an algorithm developed by Bea showing the growth patterns of algae, which I added my own stylistic interpretation to. Fabric screen printed by me / Garment: Bea Brücker / Model: Andras Nagy / Fashion Photographer: Johann Spindler. More of Bea’s work can be found at @beabruecker on Instagram.

Gyouree Kim
For this collection, I hand painted algae print pastes onto Gyouree’s seaweed leather, which she then made into a corset. More of Gyouree’s work can be found at @gyoureekim on Instagram.